Monday, June 2, 2008

This Makes No Sense to Me

Just wanted y'all to know that I don't chose the daily quotes on this blog...they're random. Some I agree with, some I don't, but the one on today is ridiculous! I think maybe it should read " Not ADMITTING a mistake is a bigger mistake"....admiring is ludicrous, dontcha think?


Linda J said...

Yes, I certainly hope it was a typo. I wasn't sure what you were talking about at first because I didn't see your blog until Tuesday when I was at work...and of course it had changed by then, but I figured it out :)

Betty Brackett said...

Dumb, huh? It said "not to ADMIRE a mistake is a bigger mistake". Some copyreader should get fired for that one.

Linda (Mom, Gramma, Aunt) said...

I have to admit that I admire many things in many people but can't think of a single mistake I have admired lol.